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St. Raphael Church in Winter (V3)
Stores in Sunnyside (V5)
Winter on 41st St. (V2)
Stores in Sunnyside (V4)
St. Raphael Church on BQE

St. Raphael Church in Winter (V3)
26”x32”, oil, 1990 *

St. Raphael Church in Winter (V4)
28”x34”, oil, 1991 *

St. Raphael Church in Winter with Manhattan Background
26”x32”,oil, 1991*+

St. Raphael Church in Winter (V1)
18”x34”, oil, 1985 *+

St. Raphael Church on BQE
22”x28”, oil, 1988

Winter on 41st St. (V2)
26”x32”,oil, 1990 *+

Stores in Sunnyside (V4)
26”x32”,oil, 1991 +

St. Raphael Church Sunnyside, NY
42”x30”, oil, 1992 *+

Stores in Sunnyside (V5)
28”x34”,oil, 1992 +

Sunnyside Shopping Center #18/100
7”x9.5”, watercolor, 1993

Stores in Sunnyside (V6)
28”x34”,oil, 1992

St. Raphael Church
16”x10”, watercolor, 1994

Cityscapes 2/4


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