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Flight of the Female Embryo
Stoned Woman

Stoned Woman

A New Beginning
Copy After Rubens
The Castle
Girl with Apple

Copy After Rubens
16”x20”, oil, 1972

The Castle
14”x16”,oil, 1974

Girl with Apple

Uneven Connection
Weird Gathering
Backward Rider

Backward Rider
10”x14”,watercolor, 1975

Uneven Connection

The Lion Hunt (After  Rubens)
47”x65”, oil, 1967

Flight of the Female Embryo
21”x26”,oil, 1969 *

A New Beginning
20”x24”,oil,1975 *

Weird Gathering
6”x4”,watercolor, 1969 *

The Lion Hunt

27 Years without a Sword
16”x20”, oil, 1974

The Early Years


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